Thursday, February 20, 2014

Irritating Promotions for Upcoming Elections in India

The upcoming elections in India are still a couple of months to go but there is already a flood of TV ads, social media promotions, PPC ad campaigns all over. If I;m watching TV I saq ads about Rahul Gandhi and Narendera Modi, both are the the candidates from the respective parties for the post of next Prime Minister of India. And over social networks like facebook and twitter I see post (most without any credible resource of proof) and then fans of both the ruling congress and BJP arguing about the posts. And I forget to mention the newbie party called AAP, they do also have some die hard fans despite being a few months old party they have given nightmares to all other polotical parties and the star leader of the parties.

AAP boost about bringing an end to corruption in India, which I feel is the second most threatening this for the country after its ever growing populations. Though its not sure if Congress would come to power again or BJP gets clear majority or its someone supporting AAP to form the government. The important thing for our country is not to give any shit to the TV ads and internet promotions of any part of leaders.

The only solutions is to vote for the most suitable, honest, educated and a person who has got a good reputation, no criminal background. Only then there can be clean government formed.